Monday, February 29, 2016

Tips about engaging a Bazi Practitioner

(Disclaimer: I'm not a practitioner nor expert in any ways. I'm just sharing my point of view in this subject.)


It's an ancient Chinese art to understand oneself using birth chart reading with symbols of nature namely Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood aka the 5 elements.

Everyone is born in blocks of 2 hours thus having 12 different timing in 24 hours. Since there are ying and yang, the element also splits into example, ying fire and yang fire. There are 12 months in 365 days creating 4 seasons represented by 5 elements thus we have 60 pillars in combinations.

Our birth chart is presented in 4 pillars in the hour, day, month and year.

I'm not going to write every detail of it because it would be impossible. I would just like to express my thoughts in this subject.

Many people engaged a Bazi reading practitioner to read their fortune and seek advice. Nothing is wrong with that but understanding what to expect is important. A practitioner (in my context) can only predict your luck to a certain extent. There is no practitioner that can tell you for sure that at a certain timing in detail what you are going to encounter. That's simply not possible. Do you know on a day within a 2 hours period how many babies are born? Are they all going to be knock down by a car at the same time? NO...

Example: 2 persons bear the same birth chart. Mr. A mother got badly sick and Mr. B got retrenchment from his job within the same month. This is common in Bazi reading. It takes a very professional practitioner to identify the problem. Even if he can correctly identify and foresee your problem, only you could help yourself in navigating out of it.

I personally don't think that by wearing white shirt or change a white car is going to help a lot. It does help but not really much. Just remember this tip: whenever you seek advice from a Bazi practitioner, pay a lot of attention when he comment about your character mainly in strength and weakness. Our luck are influence by the 10 year luck pillar and yearly changing of energies(the Qi). Our character determined us if we will harvest the good or bad energy.

Changing our luck have to start from changing our characters and behaviors. Maximizing the strength and minimizing the weakness is the key. This is the most effective way to change your luck. Let's say one of your weakness is getting into financial troubles due to friends, by changing the way you handle money with friends is in fact, changing your behavior and thus should lessen these occurrence. You cannot avoid this by wearing more white shirt and expect these troubles to go away. It just doesn't work this way.

When we gamble in a casino for an extended period of time, the house always win because of the edge the house is having. In life, if you maximizing your strength and minimizing your weakness, you have turn the table around. Now you are the house because you will always win more and lose less. In an extended period of time, your luck will improve tremendously.

Another thing to take note is the level of knowledge of the practitioner. I personally came across swindler or I shall say, practitioner that are not up to standard. Bazi reading is a very deep art and it take years to master the subject. Sadly it is hard to tell if a practitioner is really good. The best Bazi practitioner I met is Master Neo in Bedok. This man really have the knowledge of Bazi. I have to stress that I DO NOT have any affiliation with Master Neo. This blog does not benefit anything for recommending his service other than the google advertisement you see here.

You can find out more about him here. A word of caution, Master Neo has quite high profile client based and he is a businessman. A businessman does what a businessman does.





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