Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The legendary Vien Dong Spa

(Guest Post)

If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail. - Heraclitus

Vien Dong, situated in the heart of Ho Chi Minh District 1, Vietnam. A presentable hotel outlook might fool you. Well hidden at level 2 is a heaven for many fun seeking man. It is popular with Japanese and Singaporean customers too.

Upon entering the "health center", you will be greeted by a English speaking Vietnamese man. He will sit you down on the waiting area presented with the menu and serve with ginger tea. You will have different package to choose from, but let's cut the crap and go for the VIP package costing 680, 000 VND. Insist to have that package. If rooms are available, you will be escorted to the VIP room. If not you will be let in to the lounge area where you can ask for a foot massage(by man) which is included in the package price paid. You can just rest in lounge watching TV until your room is ready.

Another Vietnamese bellboy will walk you to your designated room and he will also set up the bath tub and steam bath facilities for you. Just before he walk out of your room, this is a critical moment, bring out your wallet and draw out 50,000 - 100,000 VND tips and be really specific about what you want your masseur to be. You can be specific like small built, big milk, fair skin, long hair, playful, cute, etc... The list goes on and you can bet they have it. There is approximately 60 gals per shift. Yes, no joke... and everyone has its standard. I have not come across watching a gal walk pass me which below average. No... I should say that all are above average in Vien Dong Spa. Walk to any roadside magazine stall and flip any magazine in your hand. What standard you can find inside the magazine you can find it in Vien Dong Spa.

Light a cigarette and wait patiently for your masseur. Be bold and fantasize about how good she will be. Before you can finish your cigarette, she has already enter your room wearing a tight low cut top and a really short mini skirt with towels in her hands. She will first greet you with the brightest smile and guide you to change into shorts. She will be observing you just in case you are not happy with what you get, she will automatically ask if you would like to change a masseur. No hard feeling here, just change it if you deem necessary.

She will then guide you to the steam bath and while you are busy enjoying your steam bath, she will be preparing your treats. After that, she will guide you to the sauna cubicle. When the tub is ready, she will invite you to go for a bath. Stand there like a 3 years old with your arm stretch out. She is going to strip you naked, place you in the tub and wash you from head to toe. Yes... from head to toe. She will be washing your hair and ear, your fingers and between your toes. During these time, you do not even lift a finger. Just lie in the tub and enjoy the jugs jiggling hovering above your head.  

After the bath, you will be guided out carefully from the tub. Stand there and let her dry your hair and body will a familiar smile. You will recall what mommy did for you when you were 3. Get a grip of yourself and move to the massage bed lying face down. At this point you might wonder is the massage up to standard. I would say it is. This brings the point of what I meant earlier by "cut the crap and opt for VIP package". VIP rooms alone hold 60 masseurs and you
will notice a difference in uniform when you walkabout in the spa. That is because a masseur needs to be servicing in the non VIP rooms for a period of time. They will be promoted to VIP masseur after continuous customers positive feedback. This is why you can find top notch masseur in the VIP category. The masseurs are carefully filtered and many did not make it to that level.

So when did the fun really begin? It is when she request you to turn over and lie down on your back. That is when she will try communicate with you. She will walk to her tool bag and draw out a handy bottle of the infamous Baby Johnson oil and pop the golden question. The happy ending cost you 1 million VND in standard pricing but sometime they will try to put a quick stunt asking for 2 million. It is really up to you. If you deem fit for a big tip, offer 1.5 million is good enough.

(blog owner) - I will skip the action part as I need to adhere to internet blogging policies.

(author) - If you have read this far and is convince of the authenticity of this review, the idea of spending a night in private is your ultimate goal. Is it possible? Yes, but with a few things to keep in mind. 1) She can only leave the workplace 5 am in the morning. 2) It will cost you 5 million VND. 3) That is single shot. 4) Provided she likes you in the first place.

So that's all for the Legendary Vien Dong Spa report. Feel free to drop a note in the comment section.

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